D9 Shan Kwin

Die Schule befindet sich im Pyapon Township im Irrawaddy Delta. Pyapon liegt am gleichnamigen Fluss, einem Nebenfluss des Irrawaddy. Das Dorf liegt etwa 15 km entfernt der Adamanensee und etwa 75 km entfernt von Yangon. Man erreicht das Gebiet mit dem Auto oder dem Schiff.
Stiftunglife - D9

Donnerstag, 2. Februar 2023

Update of UNI School

I visit the school last week and everything is going well. They just upgrade the fencing which you support. All the students are attending and situation also fine. We are always keep in touch with them, you know our Ship is every month been there. /Naing

Mittwoch, 17. August 2022

School report August 2022

I visited to UNI school last week. But I waiting the reply for their wish. That’s why little late. The school is good and our fence also they upgraded. All the students are attending and at the moment they have only Assistance Principal. The former Female Principal moved to another place. Last year also we supported them some money for their electricity installation. They are very appreciate for our support. Now they have one wish, it is they want to plant the trees in school compound. Fruit tree and some shades tree. When the fruit is ready to harvest and they can get some money for the school fund. They want about 200 trees all total. /Naing

Freitag, 19. November 2021

School visit November 2021

Last week I visited the school because our Swimming Doctors 3 are going every month to there for medical treatment for the villagers. School is look good and our fencing also in good shape. They also got the electricity in the village and we supported the cable installations as well. But at the moment not all students are attending, only 120 students are attending. Actually there are 350 students and 12 teachers. When I visited I saw some students. School is not very far from Pyapone Town, so parents are little bit scared for anything happen. Most of the kids are from the village and some parents are CDM to Military. Teachers also can not force to the parents for sending the kids. They have their right. People are waiting for the end of Military day. /Naing

Mittwoch, 11. November 2020

School report - Fall 2020

UNI school is located in Pyapone township. Our swimming doctors 3 going there regularly too. The school is everything fine. Peoples health also good because of our swimming doctors ship 🤓🤓🤓. They are waiting for our school visitors and doctors from Germany. I told them next year could be. /Naing

Sonntag, 1. April 2018

Final Report for UNI School

Lieber Dieter, gerade haben wir von Naing einen kurzen Abschlussbericht bekommen. Wir hoffen, dass die Dinge so umgesetzt wurden, wie Du Dir das vorgestellt hast. Das Projekt ist damit für uns im Augenblick abgeschlossen, wir werden natürlich auch in Zukunft dort nach dem Rechten schauen und Dir davon berichten. Jürgen

Dear Mr Jurgen, here is my final report for UNI school:
1. we make the fencing for school compound ( 400 meters over ), Gate door.
2. Repair and re paint the toilets ( before out of service ).
3. Hand wash place and water supply .
4 . Repaint for the old school building.
If you have any questions, let me know. Thanks, Naing

Montag, 6. November 2017


Bei unserer ersten Swimming-Doktors-Anlegestelle, Shan Kwin, steht diese Schule. Uni, unser Kapitän des Schiffs wohnt in dieser Ortschaft. Die Schule ist weitgehendst gebaut und es werden ca. 350 Schüler unterrichtet von 12 Lehrern, Kindergarten und 1.- 8.Klasse. Weil Gesundheitserziehung bei den Kleinsten beginnen sollte, unterstützen wir hier eine Nachrüstung. Zusammen mit dem neuen Schulleiter soll Abfallentsorgung, persönliche Körperhygiene und Sicherheit einen wichtigen Stellenwert erhalten.
Wir unterstützen die Renovation der Toilettenanlagen, Erstellen von neuen Handwaschbecken, Installation zweier Paul-Wasserfilter und Bau einer Umzäunung der Schulanlage, damit eine bessere Kontrolle möglich wird.
Ziel ist es, mit Eigenverantwortung weniger Patienten bei den Swimming-Doktors zu bekommen und darum wollen hier versuchen, mit dem Schulleiter bei den Kindern zu beginnen.